A Dynamic Duo
Ian: Daddy, how come you dressed up as Batgirl for How-A-Ween?
Jason: Well, I always enjoyed watching Batgirl on TV and reading about her in the comic books. But, you actually make a much better –a much cuter – Batgirl. I think I’m going to be Batwoman, who is Batgirl’s crime fighting partner, not to mention she’s Batgirl’s mommy.
Ian: You have a great costume Daddy – I mean, Batwoman, and I think you look cute as a superhero too! And I really like that idea of having a mommy – especially one that fights the bad guys like Joker.
Jason: Thanks, baby. Well, tonight, instead of fighting the Joker, I thought we’d go trick or treating. (pauses) Can I ask you a question? Would you like to dress up as Batwoman and Batgirl – in our secret identities of Jennifer Ferry and her pretty daughter, Isabel Ferry?
Isabel: Oh that would be lots of fun! It’s fun to be a super hero – but I really don’t want to fight people Daddy. I just like to dress up, and one day – I want to dress up like a mermaid or a pretty princess – Daddy, can I call you Mommy now? I like having a mommy again.
Jennifer: Of course, Isabel. A pretty girl like you needs to be with her mommy. We’re going to be happy girls – perhaps even happy women - one day. Now – are you ready to go out and get some candy?
Isabel: I am Mommy! I mean – Batwoman! Batgirl is ready!
Jennifer: Batwoman is ready as well, Batgirl. Let’s get going before the Joker gets all the candy in Gotham City! Follow me, Batgirl!
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