Sunday, October 30, 2011

Femme-O-Ween Costume Party: 3 Generations of Goddess

F/T Femme-O-Ween

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your EYES.

Behold, where once stood peasants (George Cole, 55, his son Brad, 28, and grandson Jacob, 5) now stand three visions of loveliness - the great Empress Gloria, her daughter, the Lady Barbara, and her Ladyship’s daughter, the beloved Princess Juliet.

Let us all rejoice in their
mutual acceptance of the female spirit inside each one, as well as the loving bond shared by three girlish generations.


Both the Empress and her daughter are seeking a “sturdy” consort!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Femme-O-Ween Costume Party: Feelin' Groovy As Girls!

F/T Femme-O-Ween

Dan Hendricks (35) thought he had stupidly ruined Halloween his boys Sammy (14) and Justin (12). He thought he had ordered hippie costumes, but these go-go boots, tie dye headbands and flower power mini dresses were meant for girls!

“Of course they were meant for chicks, man,” said the old stoner to Dan as the incense seemed to change his body to that a leggy brunette.

“I guess you’re right, thanks dude,” winked Darlene as she headed back to her house. But what would her kids think?

She got her answer as she saw
Sheri and Jasmine, looking righteously cute in their costume.

“Groovy, costumes, Mom!”
they said.

“Far out,” Darlene said to herself…

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Madame Jae's - New Developments #5 (Negotiating a new set of desires))


New Developments

Starring Debra and Melissa


“Just think, Mom. You and Skip can have an evening to yourselves, without having to keep an eye on us kids – coz Jeremy and I will be at the school spring dance.”

“You should be an attorney when you grow up, dear,” I said as I put the fresh cut flowers in the bowl.

“OK, you win. You can go the dance with the other Jae teen girls so long as you let Madame know that I want you him by 11:30 sharp – deal?”

“DEAL! I love you Mom!” she squealed with a bearhug on me!

I returned to my garden work, already thinking about what restaurant I would like Skip to take me – mmmm, take me darling...

WHOA! I really gotta ask Madame about what that Jae Juice is doing to us… - D

Sunday, October 23, 2011

ANNIE'S CAPS - Instant Family (All American Girls)

All American Girls

“Hey, I don’t believe in miracles, but I do believe in magic,” huffed Patrick Cole as he posed with his former boss Mike (38) and Mike’s unruly sons Cal (12) and Jonah(13).

“Now that they are teen girls, Carly and Jill are more polite, but they already know they “will be hot stuff with the boys. High school should be very interesting, if they end up with the same active hormones as their Mom Melinda – she’s insatiable!”

Pat’s new bride smiled – whatever that medallion did, she still wanted to screw her former employee over - and over again. But she was happy to be a cared for mom and was now even closer with her pretty daughters. Three All-American girls!

3 MORE Advanced Anal Sex Techniques

Anal sex is not everyone’s favorite sex act, but it is certainly high on the list for many couples and can be a fun change of pace for almost anyone who isn’t bothered too much by the taboos against it. Just the idea of anal sex can be exciting to beginners. However, after awhile, even anal sex can become routine. That’s why I wrote 5 Advanced Anal Sex Techniques – to give couples some ideas they could try once they were no longer anal sex beginners. Since then, I’ve discovered three more techniques that you might find fun and exciting, too.

1) Hot dogging

“Hot dogging” is an anal foreplay technique. I love this technique because it not only feels good to have a hard penis sliding between my buns (and I think it feels good to a man, too), but it also gets me excited, knowing what’s going to happen next. To do it, place your LUBED penis between her buns and rub the  full length of your hard shaft up and down the crack of her ass.  Then take the head and run it up and down her crack.  After that, rub the head of the head around her anus and then, finally, push the tip inside her opening.  This technique is a perfect lead-in to The Teasing Penetration Anal Sex Technique.

2) Scissors Position

To get into the Scissors position, the woman should lie on the bed on her side.  Then she should extend her lower leg straight out and pull the knee of her top leg up to her chest.  Place a few cushions or pillows under the knee of her top leg to support it.  Then kneel over her lower extended leg and place one of your knees on either side of her lower extended leg.  You can switch sides later if you want.
The Scissors position allows for satisfying deep penetration because her butt cheek bones and your pelvic bone do not get in the way.  Plus, in this position, you have access to her entire body – BREASTS, back, sides, VAGINA, CLITORIS, legs, feet, neck, shoulders, and face.  You can also vary the speed, depth, and angle very easily as you thrust in this position.

3) Anal Wall Massage

Start the anal wall massage with just the head of your penis inside her.. Then take hold of your shaft and begin to rotate the head of your penis around and around and around, just inside her opening.  Then push in about an inch and repeat, rotating your penis around and around inside her.  Continue to repeat this pushing in and rotating  until you’re buried completely inside her ass. Once you’re completely inside, if you’re in the Scissors position, you can GENTLY rock your bodies back and forth. This rocking rubs your penis very gently inside her, which allows her to become accustomed to its size and hardness. (Each back-and-forth rocking feels like a mini-thrust.) If you follow the Teasing Penetration Anal Sex Technique with this technique, she should be ready to take it as hard and fast as you can give it to her.

Another way of of spicing up anal sex, though it’s not really a technique, is to reverse roles. My post Why Do Some Couples Enjoy Bend Over Boyfriend reveals how pegging can take your sex lives to a new and different level. These three anal sex techniques and most of the others I’ve written about are just as pleasurable for a male being penetrated as they are for females.

My book Anal Sex Secrets is a guide to great anal sex for both anal sex beginners and for couples who are searching for new things to try. To find out more about it, click here.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Madame Jae's - New Developments #4 (Does cute equal taboo?)


New Developments

Starring Debra and Melissa



Melissa put her hands on her hips – such a girlish pose. “What, Mom, it’s really cute!”

I sighed, “But it’s so… REVEALING”

“Really,” she smiled. “Why don’t you go try on that dress?”

I returned in the gown, and found my (at the moment) daughter in the bare shoulder number she loved.

“I may be showing some skin,” she cooed, “but you’re the one showing the goods!”

“My dress is low cut, my dear, because I am an ADULT – a woman. You are 13 going on 31 in that dress.”

“Mother. You have been a woman as long as I have been a girl. I think we both have some very cute dresses and Skip and Jeremy are going to go crazy when they pick us up for the ball.”

She did speak the truth – but I have to wonder; is my little boy going to fast in embracing her femininity? Was being a sexy woman a sign of being a bad parent? - D

Thursday, October 20, 2011

ANNIE'S CAPS - Teach Your Daughter Well

Teach Your Daughter Well

Pete: That’s great honey. The way you are carrying yourself, there’s no chance that the “bad guys” will ever suspect that you are NOT a lovely eleven year old girl. I’m very proud of how you’ve adapted – daughter!

Freddie: I’m just following in my mom’s sexy footsteps! I mean, when you were Dad, and you told me that we had to become girls to survive and stay together, I hated the idea. But now, looking at how well you turned out, I knew I had step up my game! (giggle) I really like being cute and pretty!

Paula: Ooooh kay. You know, if It was still your dad, I may consider locking you up until you're 40. I know what it’s like to be horny teenage boy!

Faith: And you know what it’s like to be a horny old man, Mom! Our “girl instructors” have told us how being a woman means that if you play your cards right, you can get a man wrapped around your finger. And I’ve been paying attention to the guys who have been paying attention to you!

Paula: Baby girl – let’s be frank here. You don’t need to grow up too fast – but then again, you and are both “evolving” in the same way on different schedules. So we need to keep an eye on each other – learn from the other’s mistakes – and share in the good times. We have a lot in front of us - feelings, bonding, DATING – and eventually more! I need to be there for you as your mother, but I need you there as my daughter and BFF.

Faith: Mommy, I promise to be the best daughter and BFF a mom can have. Together, we make our lives wonderful and happy. I love you!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Madame Jae's - New Developments #3 (who kissed who?)


New Developments

Starring Debra and Melissa


“He KISSED you?” I asked Melissa.

She blushed deeply and nodded meekly.

“Are you… upset, Mom?”

Now I felt like I was coming down on her. I don’t feel like she was putting herself at risk. I was a little worried that the Jae Juice was maturing her as a girl too quickly; 13 years is a delicate age – boy or girl!

“Not at all, honey,” I said as we hugged.

“Say, Mom, I swear I recall you kissing your guy last night. But don’t worry, I‘m not upset, either!”

Now it was my turn to blush. Now I had to wonder if I was going too fast after two weeks as a Madame Jae’s woman! - D

Sunday, October 16, 2011

ANNIE'S CAPS - Networking

Older brother Tim Scott had been a corporate lawyer. Middle brother Lee had done well in IT. And Roger, the kid, had made his name as a journalist. But last year, they left their professions to start an unusual family business.

When Mom died she left an unexpected fortune, and a bottle of sweet smelling liqueur.

She also left a note: “You can squander the money on lavish homes or fancy cars, but I want you three to be there for each other always.”

As they drank, they began to change into women. Rather than being upset, the trio bonded over their new state.

Last month, Great Scott Catering opened its doors by hosting a upscale catering event in the mansion Terri, Lisa, and Randi now shared. They spent the night impressing event planners with their fabulous food presentation – and arousing several executives with their bright smiles, curvy bodies, and overall bubbly, flirty blonde personalities!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Madame Jae's - New Developments #2 (LBD Alert!) ;)


New Developments

Starring Debra and Melissa


“Mom, I think black is SO our color,” Melissa giggled.

GIGGLED? The same kid who played hockey and hundreds of video games GIGGLED. Then again, I was calling her “honey” and “sweetheart”, and even kissed her on the cheek. I hadn’t even hugged the boy since – whenever.

Again – how did the salon make two girlishly girly girls out of two people who were definitely NOT girls? It’s obvious that’s more than the makeup, the hair extensions, the cute little black dresses, and the intimates underneath! (giggle)

Oh. My. God. Now I have the giggles too. I’ll have to ask what is in that Jae Juice.

OK, now it’s time for what they call the J-Club ball. Apparently men and boys from across the state have had their own ”transformations.” I saw some women in the salon – I guess they are as much women as we are! So this must be part of the experience here, going to a party dressed up like this.

“Mom, will everyone at the party be dressed in womens’ clothes?”

“Not sure, honey – but I know we will be. Let’s go have some fun and see what develops.”

Hmmm… what kind of fun can we have?” - D

Thursday, October 13, 2011

ANNIE'S CAPS - Utterly Delightful

Utterly Delightful
“I never knew that I would be so beautiful,” mused Simon Lowe, 55, who now went by the name Serena. “Or that I would love having George have his way with my body,” she giggled to her son Barry.

“I told you Mom, you were meant to be a woman, little thing that you are,” cooed Blair, 36. “I resisted the urges, but when your finally react to the hormones, suddenly men look and sound more attractive. They also taste wonderfully.”

“And they feel so good,” Serena sighed to her new daughter, as their dates at the fancy ball escorted them onto the dance floor.

Within hours, both sexy shemales would be once again the passionate sex toys of their large, powerful male lovers!


- BUENO., DIA DE LLUVIA ES UNA FORMA DE DECIR....TAMBIEN SON BIENVENIDAS PARA DIAS DE SOL Y NUBLADOS VERDAD.???? SALUTACIONES DEL BIG CONDE PD: aparentemente los trabajos tecnicos de la administracion de blogger estan ya superados...ESPEREMOS QUE NO DESAPARESCAN MAS FOTOS DE LOS ARCHIVOS DE FOTOS.!!!!!!!desde el inicio de nuestro blogger ABDCHICAS un poco mas de un año nos visitaron 164 paises con la cantidad de 239.000 visitas.!!!!! SE AGRADECE A TODOS LOS ADICTOS DE ABD. THANKS.!!!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Madame Jae's - New Developments (a blog within a blog)

New Developments

The moment when innocence and passion meet…

Is the moment when a father and a son learn

what being a girl - and a woman – is all about!

New Developments

Starring Debra and Melissa


“Smile, Mom! Be sexy!”

The pretty girl formerly known as my 13 year old son Mark was asking me – hours removed from being his dad, David Kramer – to pose for a personal glamour pic.

I guess our trip to Madame Jae’s was the right call. We’re getting along like a real mother and daughter, and wow – we’re both GORGEOUS. The ladies a the salon said we were going to have some interesting adventures during our stay.

What was in that “Jae Juice” anyway? Stay tuned for all the new developments! - D