Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Madame Jae's - New Developments #3 (who kissed who?)


New Developments

Starring Debra and Melissa


“He KISSED you?” I asked Melissa.

She blushed deeply and nodded meekly.

“Are you… upset, Mom?”

Now I felt like I was coming down on her. I don’t feel like she was putting herself at risk. I was a little worried that the Jae Juice was maturing her as a girl too quickly; 13 years is a delicate age – boy or girl!

“Not at all, honey,” I said as we hugged.

“Say, Mom, I swear I recall you kissing your guy last night. But don’t worry, I‘m not upset, either!”

Now it was my turn to blush. Now I had to wonder if I was going too fast after two weeks as a Madame Jae’s woman! - D

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