Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Madame Jae's - New Developments #5 (Negotiating a new set of desires))


New Developments

Starring Debra and Melissa


“Just think, Mom. You and Skip can have an evening to yourselves, without having to keep an eye on us kids – coz Jeremy and I will be at the school spring dance.”

“You should be an attorney when you grow up, dear,” I said as I put the fresh cut flowers in the bowl.

“OK, you win. You can go the dance with the other Jae teen girls so long as you let Madame know that I want you him by 11:30 sharp – deal?”

“DEAL! I love you Mom!” she squealed with a bearhug on me!

I returned to my garden work, already thinking about what restaurant I would like Skip to take me – mmmm, take me darling...

WHOA! I really gotta ask Madame about what that Jae Juice is doing to us… - D

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