Sunday, October 20, 2013

Femme-O-Ween this week - then a break?

Hey everyone!

I will be out of town for a while, so this coming week - a week ahead of Halloween - I will be posting my annual 3 Halloween themed caps.  Above is representative of the stars of the 2010 2011 and 2013 series of Femme-O-Ween caps.

And when I get back, I may be slower to restart activities here for a couple of reasons:

1. I have been not been as productive as in the past.  I'm sure the general malaise of TG blog activity is to blame.  Also, the commentating of the blog has gone WAAAYY down.  :|

2. The next post will be #800 in the life of AFT - and legit I have redone several concepts many times.  Also, many of the best pix for capping have been used.

3.  I feel like I'm having less RL time to do this.

Now, I don't see me closing the blog or eliminating my archives.   I hope some of my works lasts for a long long time.  I just may be less likely to come up with 10-12 new caps a month.   I still love the thrill of showing you all what goes through my mind - and other body parts. ;)

One idea I have is to resize my caps to be tablet friendly.  Most of my caps are 16x9 as that's the size of my laptop monitor, but most tablets are 4x3 so they look small and skinny.  I want my caps to be as "full figured" as well, I do. LOL

Anyway, thanks for reading TTFN....

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