Sunday, July 28, 2013

THE WAR (Will being girls pacify Elly + Deb? Hmmm...)

Dean’s sister Joan was upset that Dean and his teenage son Ethan were, once again, not on speaking terms.  Something about Ethan sneaking out of the house… 
with Dean’s Camaro

Joan couldn’t bear to she her only loved ones go on like this.

So when Joan offered to come over and make the boys dinner, she slipped a magic concoction into the soup she prepared.  They were sleepy right after dinner, which is when their bodies  began to change…

A month later, Deborah and Elisha were still feuding.  Despite the fun they had shopping and at the salon!  What gives?

“She snuck out of the house, AGAIN, with the car!” Deb huffed.   

Elly rolled her eyes. Well, MOTHER, that’s because you clearly wanted to have some private time – with MY boyfriend!”

And I told you could spend the night with his father – I just expect he would come  over and pick you up!”

Good job, Joan.

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