Friday, July 19, 2013

Still Embarrassing Your Kids (Like any good dad turned mom would)

Still Embarrassing Your Kids
Joe:  Oh cool, here are the pictures from our beach vacation… Dad!  What the hell are doing with that stupid pose, standing behind us?

Craig:  You always acts like a total goofball in any picture, even after we all took that gender change potion and those cute guys took this pic.

Andy: Hey, we were showing off our hot bikini bods.  I was like posing, trying to be sexy, kids!

Janie:  You’re crazy, Mom!  But I do admit, you wear that two piece well.  We all look pretty damm good for three guys who became girls!

Crystal:  And while that pose isn’t what any of us would call “sexy”, you did end up with a hottie of a boyfriend, Mom.  And so did me and sis after he introduced the guys who worked for him at the surf shop.  What a great time we had!

Alice:  And the best part is – my Jerry bought us all a year’s supply of that magic formula!

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