Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Peeking Out (Come out, Emily + Jessica, come out...)

Peeking Out

“Um, hi, Aunt Karen.”
“Hi… sis.  Look we’re just playing here.”
Awww, but it looks so sweet.
Jerry, I know you try so hard at
being a single dad, but you do
make a beautiful young woman.”  
“Well, thanks, but that was a long
Time ago.  But Eric found your
scrapbook and he said that he would
like to try dressing, just this once.”
“Are... you mad at us, Aunt Karen?”
“Not at all, Emily.  I always thought
that my brother was happier when she
was my sister Jessica, and I think that
She could be a great mother as well.”
“Karen, I don’t know.  I mean, how…”
“Let me worry about that, little sis.  In
The meantime, go into my room and
put on that blue summer dress, it matches
both your eyes.  Emily, I have a similar one
That your Mom wore when she was your age.”
“Wow – Dad – I mean, Mommy,
we can be girls forever!”
“Anything for you, my princess!”

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