Sunday, March 10, 2013

Lucy Has Some Explaining To Do To Ricki (But no Fred or Ethel, sorry)

Lucy Has Some 
Explaining To Do 
To Ricki

“What the fuck?  DAD??  Is that… Mr.  Cummings, my history teacher?  Holy shit!”

“Randy, what are you doing home from school so soon?”

“Wait – Randy Reynolds?  That means you’re his father, Louis Reynolds?  You both are dressed as females?”

“Yes, George.  My son and I have been experimenting with drag for about a year now.  Sine my wife died, we’ve dressed as girls and built a mother-daughter bond to help us cope with the loss.”

“But Mom, you never said that, as Lucy, you wanted to go out with a man, much less have my senior year home-room teacher do you in our kitchen?  My god, you look like such a slutty cougar!” 

“Now, Ricki, think about it.  After all, we’ve both been on these hormones for months.  Don’t deny that they are changing us.  Why do you think I went ahead and got the boob job?  I can’t stop thinking about being fucked by a real man who appreciates sexy transwomen like us.  I put an ad on this website and George answered, and I’ve been meaning to tell you.  Baby, having a hard cock in your ass-pussy is the greatest feeling ever!”

“Mom, I’m sorry.  I know what you mean.  I have had some very interesting dreams… I…  Mr. Cummings… you’re so…  BIG… and… would you…”

“Wow, it would be my honor, Ricki, to take your cherry, just like I did with your mother.”

“George, I know you were always such a great teacher.  Honey, pull down your panties, and here, stud, why don’t you suck on my brand new titties while you do her like you did me?”

“Oh, Mommy!  He’s so big, so much bigger than you and I EVER were.  I love being a slutty shemale, just like you, Mom! Fuck me hard!”

Within ten minutes, George came in Ricki, and Ricki and Lucy came all over the hardwood floor.  Now that she was the happy, sexy little homemaker, Lucy knew she’d have to clean up after their mess!

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