Sunday, February 24, 2013

Knowing What You Want (and Danica wants what Kristin gives her)

Knowing What You Want
“Penny for your thoughts, Champ,” Kurt Sanders whispered , using the nickname he had given his athletic son Darrell, which made the young man with the new bikini body giggle so girlishly.  

 “Well, DAD, I’ve never had a gay thought in my life,” Darrell cooed, “But right now, I want to see that lifeguard walking toward me, naked, coming to take me away!”

“Good choice, honey,” Kurt replied.  “And that is not at all a gay thought.  It’s what a woman wants.  A man to look at her, to call her beautiful,to  possess her, and to make love to her.  The female orgasm  is somuch more incredible than the male.  That’s why I gave you that
not  so little “gift.”  You’re 18 now, Danica.   And you are a fully functional  female with desires and needs.  Enjoy this feeling.”

“Is this why you gave me that magic elixir, Mom?” Danica asked.  “You want me to be just like you –a horny blonde babe?”

“That’s part of the reason I tricked you,” the man now know as Kristin Sanders admitted.  “But now, I was no longer your father, I was your mother.  And I was afraid that we would not be able to relate with my change of sex.  But I also knew that you would enjoy the change and embrace the sexuality of your change.  You caught Alan and I fucking in my bedroom, and I saw the look of amazement in your eyes.  So tonight, my lover will  seduce you and take your cherry.  You’ll never look back, I promise you love.”  

 Danica smiled at her mother and grinned, “Aww, Mom, thanks!  I can’t wait for a real cock to be inside me!”


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