Monday, December 31, 2012

Resolution (Misty + Pamela: 2013 will be very good to them!)

“Let’s make a new years’ resolution, and tell the guys tonight that the women they adore are well – guys,” Mike Durham, 25, told his father, Paul, 49.   

“I don’t know, Misty, do you think they can handle the truth about us?”

“I think that both Will and Leonard can take the news the right way; I mean, they dote on us so much, Mom” the new Misty replied to the lovely Pamela.

“They are such sweet fellows.  Maybe they’re OK, but we’re the ones who need a push.  I say – let’s do it!”

Well that was last New Years.  That night, the “girls” were shocked to find out that not only did their beaus know about their past, they were into sexy sissies.  Both Misty and Pam spent the start of 2012 being exquisitely fucked! 
Now the clock has struck 12 and it’s 2013.  So what’s this years’ resolution?  Going from shy guys to sexy gals to glowing brides!  Luckily, Will and Leonard visited their local jeweler!

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