Thursday, October 4, 2012

In a Flash (all of Natalie's dreams come true for her family)


Gus Hale wasn’t used to long hair trickling down to his shoulders; he had a receeding hairline since he was 27.  His son Kevin was also starting to lose his hair, but right now, he was more concerned about the two full breasts he now had.

It was Nicholas Hale’s fifth birthday and his Granddad Gus was taking him and Daddy to the photographers studio at the mall for a three-generation shot.  While waiting in the lobby, Nicky watched a cute little girl in a pretty yellow dress.  The little girl inside him – Natalie – so wanted to be able to wear that dress.  Nicky wished that it could be possible…

The “powers that be” knew that they could make little Nattie’s dream a reality.  But they also looked into the souls of his family; these poor fellows were not exactly having fantastic social lives as single men… and a little girl would definitely need some postivefeminine role models, so…

“Thank you Mommy for buying me this dress! Thank you Grandmom for taking us to the mall today!”   

Georgia and Kimberly grinned at each other as they hugged their little princess.  After the shoot,  Nattiefollowed her role models around the mall as the adult girls were on a mission: to find just the right dress for their double date night out next week.  They wanted to WOW their boyfriends!

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