Sunday, September 23, 2012

Keeping It Real (No one will know Doris & Phoebe are..)

Keeping It Real

Joe: Dave!  Peter!  What the hell have you two been?

Phoebe: Duh!  We were shopping – “DADDY!”  We had a mother-daughter day at the mall.  And it was fun!

Doris: It was such an awesome time!  Hey, it’s all part of the cover story, Joe.  You needed to impress your boss and your college buddies about how you met me in Jamaica and  we fell in love and we got married and me and my “daughter” moved in to your estate.  So now, we have to keep up appearances!  And we are spending your money on things we need, like bed linens, groceries, and of course, our sexy wardrobes.

Phoebe:  And shoes!  And don’t forget the salon…

Joe: And apparently, Victoria’s Secret – I saw this bag in your trunk.  Aren’t you going a bit far with this bit?

Doris: Darling – I’ve known you since college.  I also know how much being a she-male turns you on.  And you have two desirable blondes… in your house…

Phoebe:  And if you’d like… Mom and I could put on a private lingerie fashion show… just for you… Daddy…

Joe: (breathing heavy)  OK.. I’ll meet you both upstairs.

Joe runs inside – Phoebe and Doris grin at each other.

Doris: See, what did I tell you, baby; men are so easy to manipulate.  Just like the handsome but clueless boy at the food court.  It’s fun playing with their libidos!

Phoebe:  Oh yes Mom; it sure beats actually working!

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