Sunday, August 19, 2012

We are Together (Penny & Dianna support each other)

We are Together

CIA agent Donald Schmidt was a target of terror agents – they had already firebombed his house, killing his wife and nearly finishing him and his son Patrick.  Now WITSEC has placed them with new identities – female identities.  They are now two beautiful blondes – mother and daughter – and it will take all of “Dad’s” motherly charms to sooth her “son” on this night…

Penny: Mom, I’m so nervous.  I never wanted to be a girl but I do love the way we both look.  We’re so close now, but… are ready for dating so soon?

Dianna: I think we’re going to find out in about 15 minutes, honey.  We had to stay strong, for Janice’s sake, she’s looking down on us.  And we’ve been so well trained by WITSEC.  They picked out two guys who are very cute, and… I’m looking forward to this.

Penny: Would you… sleep with him… Mom?

Dianna: (Sigh).  Truthfully?  Maybe.  I am so full of estrogen now, I feel like a cat in heat.  I just want to be held, Penny, and kissed, and…  well, I just want to see what this is all about.  Now, you’re my primary responsibility, and as a mother to a teenage girl, I need to set a good example.  I’m not some slut, I'm your mom, and I love you more than anything else.

 Penny: (Kiss) I love you too Mommy!  I’m so glad we’re together as girls – and sexy girls at that!          (Giggle)                                                                                                                                                                      

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