Sunday, August 12, 2012

College Is Tough... (Kendra "schools" Stephanie)

COLLEGE IS TOUGH!   (but being a girl is sweet!)

Kendra Price was born a conflicted guy named Kevin, but she found was happy to make the switch from dad to mom when the birth mother of their son, Scott, left them.  Now Scottie loved his Mom, and was proud of her bravely changing her sex, but he wasn’t the most studious kid you ever saw.  He barely made it through high school and was struggling at the local college, and he was fretting the possibility of flunking out.   

“I just can’t focus, Mom,” he told Kendra, who was upset that he wanted to sleep in and then roll out of bed like a slob.

“If you were a girl, you’d have to get up extra early to fix your hair, your makeup.  Hey – how about we hold a little experiment?”   

Scott feigned resistance, but Mom knew his secret about how he secretly wore panties.  His hair was already long, and after a trip to the mall – voila – the lovely Stephanie Price was a cute co-ed.   Steph’s grades did a 180, and her mom/coach brought out a ton of confidence in her. 

That spring, she graduated, and Mom had a great gift for her new daughter.  “My boyfriend has this cute son your age…”

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