Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Budget Vacation (Monica & daughters make the most of their summer)

The Budget Vacation 

The sluggish economy forced businessman Marc Sanders to make some tough choices that his sons Nick and Aaron grumbled about.  No two weeks at the resort in Jamaica this year.  No cruise to Cabo San Lucas.  Not even a hot weekend in Vegas. 

 “Seriously – Dad – a freaking water park?  Lame-o!”  

“Hey – cool your heels boys – we’re lucky that we can even afford this.  I actually went ahead and splurged for the week-long pass, it was only $5 more per person.”   

“Woo hoo,” the teen boys sarcastically cheered.  Marc sighed as they went inside.

But it turns out that there was some value added to the choice of the water park.  The special showers in the locker room had for decades been converting hulks to honeys – as you can see, Nora and Amelia turned very nicely, not to mention the new hot mom, Monica.  Also - the park has a great selection of complimentary bikinis. We can’t have these girls going around topless, you know.

Now, for $100 more, Monica can have their week pass extended for the entire summer.  And how can they afford that?  

Oh silly – they have BOYFRIENDS now; let them pay for that :)

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