Sunday, July 15, 2012

Quick Update (returning in about a week)

Hi gang!  I sure have missed making caps and posting and making the rounds of the other blogs.  I am still out of pocket for another week, but I did visit many of my faves.  Some of the "dailys" like Diane Leonard and Knights are in full swing - and when I left, my sweet Evie was creating like a madwoman.  I know she and Kyra have grown closer and I couldn't be happier for them.

And then I was amazed to learn that Evie is now a "mom" herself, to a girl named Jodie.  Jodie has her own new blog and I can't think of a better adoption, next to my own adoptions of Evie, Kyra, Alectra, Victoria, et al.

But now I realize that my daughter's daughter is my... granddaughter? o.O  I'm a grandmother!  Wow!  Should I now cease making sexy caps and now focus on stories of making peach cobbler, knitting, playing bridge with the ladies down the hall, and other "old lady" stuff?  Take the next jet to Boca Raton, and get a condo that's tiny and easy to take care of?  Sell my stocks and buy CDs?  Make sure I'm getting enough calcium?


If you've paid any attention to my work, you'll know that I love the concept of a "mature" woman who carries on like a younger hottie.  Stars like Susan Sarandon, Jane Seymour, Helen Mirren and Susan Lucci are idols of mine!  They've turned back time with their sexual appetites.  A woman who can make a man half her age hard as a rock!

OK enough silly rambling.  Jodie, on your blog, you asked me what you should call me, and I was already thinking ahead about that last night.   I was thinking of Nana or Nanny - or perhaps Nana-Belle or Nanny Annie.  Does that work for you, Kitten?  And I've decided (woman's prerogative) that you will be Kitten to me ;)  Nana needs to give you a name too, dear child. 

Now, I will not be your blue haired granny, let me warn you Kitten.  I will be right there with you (and your Mom and Kyra) shopping for sexy dresses and high heels and naughty lingerie.  I will be rocking as tiny a bikini as you will.  And I will show you what it's like to by a Hyde Honey.  I'm sure we'll be sharing as many cocks as I have with my daughters.  

I am so looking forward to "spoiling" my granddaughter! And I look forward to being productive again soon.  Until then, tata...

PS: I'm also redoing my look when I get back, and I've already changed my profile name to Annabelle Hyde, because I'm embracing my role as the head of the family.  Kyra, I'd love to see you do the same. ;)

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