Sunday, July 22, 2012

Along For The Ride (Camryn & Naomi go exploring)


"Holy shit,” Camryn Lewis whispered to her mother, Naomi.  “It’s them – my best friend growing up Steve “Shotgun” Henson.  He looks better than ever Momma.   So handsome – so fuckable!”

“Hang on there, missy,” cautioned Naomi.  “And there’s the man you called “Uncle Gus” – he was  Clayton’s godfather, just like Nick was Steve’s.  The leader of the Razor’s Edge Bike Club – Big Gustav Henson.  Oh he is big, I’ve seen his giant cock on many occasion.  But this time will be different – it will be up my pussy!”

“Hold that thought for one second, Mom.  They see us, and they are headed this way.  Let’s do this like we planned it, OK.”

“Turn on the charm like we’ve had it done to us for years eh?”  Naomi pondered how that glowing meteorite changed them so much.  Not just their bodies, but their attitude – and desires…

“Hello sweet things.  Name’s Big Gus and this is m’boy, Shotgun.  What’s brings you out to our rally today?  You girls ride?”

“We sure do, handsome,” Naomi replied  as she grinned back at the burly biker.  “By any chance, do you know boys know Nick the Knife, or his pride and joy, Clayton aka Sweet Clay Lew?”

“They sent us here with their high regards,” cooed Camryn. 

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