Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Ticket To Success (Debby & Holly get lucky)

Harry Martin had assumed his son Damien had entered their names in a contest to win a free fishing trip or World Series tickets.  But young Damien had an ulterior motive – to spend some time as the hottie within – and to find his mother some three years after her untimely passing.

   “I should be pissed at you,” whispered the newly minted Holly to her child. “However, I love how we have come together as if to pay tribute to your dear departed birth mother, Jane.”   

But young Debby turned to smile at the camera, as they posed for the syndicated magazine detailing their makeovers.  
“That’s true, Mom, but look at us!  Our matching dresses! These high heels that make our legs look so sexy!  And I can’t wait until our dates arrive.  Are you ready to be kissed by some hunky guys?”

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