Saturday, June 30, 2012

That Old Pick Up Line Works! (Maddie & Judy are available)

That Old Pick Up Line Works

“Wow a couple of blonde babes!  Are you two lovely girls twin sisters, by chance?”

John Culver  knew that  he and his son Matt were being fed a standard pick-up line, but a little parental pride shaped his answer.

“Actually, we’re mother-daughter.  I’m Judy and this is my pride and joy, Maddie.”

The kid played right along, “But everything THINKS my mom looks like my sister.  We’re VERY much alike,” Matt cooed.

As the handsome stranger was joined by his friend, both guys and both “girls” were quite aroused. Judy and Maddie could see the bulge in their slacks… but they wondered if the boys could make out their erections inside their silky panties.

Horny as they were – they really didn’t care!

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