Sunday, June 17, 2012

Don’t Let This Day EVER End! (Gina treats Valerie - and herself)

Don’t Let This Day EVER End!

So, honey how do you like your surprise birthday gift – a day at the mall en femme with your dad dressed as your mom?
I still can’t believe you dressed up right along with me!  You look like such a beautiful natural lady!  How does it feel – dad - mom?
It feels – right.  Very right in fact.  I never explored this side of me, but as a single parent, I was already like a mom to you.  I guess you kind of inspired me.  You look so much happier as Valerie than as Vic, babe.
And you definitely look more like a Gina than a George!  That was so nice of Miss Kate to give us both makeovers and to dress us!
She was the one who suggested this “mother-daughter” trip to the mall, Val.  And she wants to take me out one night for a “girls night out” with some other “emerging” ladies.
Wow!  Just think, Mom, you may end up being asked out.
That’s what Kate was joking with me about.  That could be interesting.  And one day it will be you going out, baby.
 Mom – I don’t want this day to ever – EVER end!!!
It won’t end honey – we’re girls now and forever…

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