Sunday, May 20, 2012

Talk It Out (Rebecca and Joyce discuss their new lives)

Talk It Out
starring Rebecca(15) and Joyce(38)

Jack: So are you going to stay pissed off at me for the rest of your life?  It’s not like I know how we can go back to being a father and son.  And besides, I think we have a pretty good life now.   Because we’re female in this dimension, we’re no longer scrawny, we’re leggy.  We both got a lot of crap in school for our shaggy hair – but this way, we can let it grow out, and we look pretty good!  And it turns out that Joyce was a lot better at the dating game than Jack was.  Sean’s a pretty nice guy, and he takes care of us.  He’s got money, so that’s no longer a…

Roger:  That’s not the POINT – “Mom” – and you know it.  I never asked to go through that intra-dimensional portal thing!  I thought you were crazy and now I’m convinced.  I never asked to grow boobs and lose my… you know!  This is fucked up!

Joyce: Hey watch your language, young LADY.  Look, I never thought I’d say this but I have to admit it – I make a pretty damm good woman, and so will you.  The way your father looks at me – I appreciate it.  And I think it gives me some sort of power of him.  And he dotes on you too,  miss Princess.

Rebecca:  That’s interesting that you say that – Mom.  Because it’s weird… Kevin Morgan used to give me crap for years because I was this runt –and now, he smiles when he sees me, and he’s NICE, and he holds open the door for me at school…

Joyce: He thinks you’re cute honey.    Take advantage of that!

Rebecca:  Well, he does want to take me to the spring dance…

Joyce: Honey, I would love to take you dress shopping and to the salon.  Buttons thinks you should too; isn’t that right girl?

Buttons: RUFF RUFF  (translation: I sure hope “Mom” and “Big Sis” don’t plan on taking me back to the pet grooming salon!)

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