Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Annual "Fishing" Trip (starring a familar trio)

The Annual “Fishing” Trip

When I picked up Pablo at the train station, his head was stilled buried in that Sociology book. Always studying – I know, what a good kid, but damm it, it’s time for some family fun!

Unlike baby brother, Adam was more than ready for our annual adventure. “How much longer til we get there, Dad?” he mumbled from the backseat.

“Hang in there, buddy,” I replied, as he stared at his iPad intently. He was creating something –kid’s a natural artist!

As usual, we pricked our fingers to draw blood, and at the stroke of midnight of the first full moon, we waded into the dark pond. We left and went back to our tent, and we slept while we changed. And again for the next lunar cycle, we were female again. We were once again Annabelle, Alectra, and Evie.

“Maybe we should refer to you as our older sis, instead of Mom,” they teased me, but I wouldn't hear of it. I love being a mother and a hot babe. As in past trips, we shopped, primped, and pampered ourselves. At nights, we hit the clubs, and we chicks made so many interesting acquaintances.

But I think my favorite memory was of the three of us romping around in our bikinis (at least, bottoms) on our own private beach. Well, normally private, until this lucky fellow stopped by and offered to take our “family portrait.”

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