Sunday, January 15, 2012

Just Be Yourself (Laura & Brooke celebrate diversity in a very special way)


“Dad – I can’t believe you sold our house, our cars, and especially, our male clothes!” gasped Brandon Lewis, 20, the day after he returned home from East Central State to visit his widowed father Luther, 42.

“Well, we won’t be needing anything else, dear. We’re moving in with James, my fiancee; I’ll be his darling wife Laura, and you'll be his gorgeous stepdaughter Brooke. And please, call me Mom!”

“But – this is so sudden, I mean, we’ve enjoyed dressing in drag for years – but I’m a guy, I’m straight, I watch football and basketball and…”

“Girl,” Laura whispered as she looked Brooke in the eye, “We are more beautiful as T-girls than any supposedly real women. And James and several of his younger friends appreciate us. He’s so good in bed baby – and I know, once you experience the incredible sensation of a man’s long hard dick inside you… you’ll never want anything else.”

“Oh my God, you’re serious, aren’t you? I always fantasized about what it would be like to with a man. Mom, will you help show me the way?”

Kissing her daughter on the cheek, Laura cooed, “Just be yourself – and follow your momma’s lead –you’ll some guy very happy and VERY hard!”

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