Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Summer We Found Each Other (starring Jacqui and mother Marlee)

The Summer We Found Each Other

“I was freaking out when my father Marcus discovered me trying on the lingerie my late Aunt Sally left in the beachhouse that she deeded to Dad and I in her will. But he had an eerie calm to his voice, and he smiled.

“Jason, I had a feeling you would be in here."

"I never told you this, but when I was your age, I tried on my sister’s things when I spent my summers here. Sally knew I liked it, and I think she suspected you did. And in her last letter to me, she invited her sister and niece to come down and spend the summer. Sounds like a good idea, eh?”

I – soon to be a cute brunette named Jacqui – shook as my mom-to-be, Marlee hugged me tightly.

And that summer we learned a lot about ourselves, and each other. We loved being the ones pursued by handsome men. We both soon had boyfriends who loved to make us happy – and we loved them right back!

Our course, we loved adding to Sally’s rather large wardrobe with the latest styles and colors. But most of all, we learned to love our lives and to live them with no regrets.

That summer, mother and daughter found happiness and each other!

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