Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Jack's Decision (starring Darcy and her mother Andrea)


Jack Rogers prided himself on meeting men online and helping them develop their female personality. He acted as their sugar daddy, buying them a total wardrobe – paying for extensive cosmetic surgery – total makeovers at the salon – hormone treatment – and finally taking their girlish cherries when they became ladybois forever. He sure had quite a life!

But Jack did a double take – pardon the pun – when he had two guys – a father and son – answer his latest ad. Jack had gone to high school with Allen Powell, and he had recognized Allen’s son Dwight from when he worked at Starbucks. They seemed like they were natural sissies.

Jack worked his magic on them together, and they played
off each other’s eagerness. Jack christened them “Andrea – the mother” and “Darcy – the daughter.” They were already quite close as dad and son, but this act gave them an even more precious bond. They did everything together to transform their bodies, and they gave them to their beloved Jack at the same time.

But this leads to Jack’s dilemma: which sexy shemale will he deflower first: the young
baritsa cum brunette Lolita– or the pretty tranny’s sexy mummy, his old high school chum?

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