Friday, November 25, 2011

3G - Meet the New Executive Director and Her Daughters

Introducing the Executive Director of 3G and her family

Thank you for your continued support of Generation Gendergirls and the thousands of transgender families across the world. I am very proud of the selection made the 3G Advisory Board to assume the role of Executive Director.

Every day, 3G strives to bring out the best in the girls and women who are always evolving. We have proven that by tackling our issues as a community, a sisterhood that we can indeed make miracles happen for mothers and daughters who happened to be born in this life as fathers and sons.

I am not only proud of leading this amazing organization, I am so grateful for its existence.

Ten years ago, I was Scott Davis, a divorced dad struggling to connect with my sons Aaron and Nigel. Like all of our program participant, I knew that I would not truly be able to live my life as Suzie until I helped my children with their dysphoria.

Through the help of 3G counselors and programs, we held each others hands through our RLT and surgeries. Our reassignment specialist, Dr. Manning, was specially trained by 3G to serve a transgender family; of course, we would all later find out how wonderful a soul Howard was – today Alexa and Nikki call him Daddy and I call him my handsome hubby!

After 20 plus years in academia, I now feel that my “job” matches my heart and passion – marriage and motherhood are the best training for leading 3G in the years and months to come!

A Postscript From Suzie

Last month, in my blog, I shared a picture of my family from our recent cruise to the Europe. Our Nikki had just graduated high school as valedictorian and Alexa had flown in from UCLA to join Howard and I at the port.

The girls hadn’t seen each other in four months and were inseparable the entire trip. I think they chatted with every cute college boy on the boat. No worries – our girls are such fine young women, so even Howard isn’t fazed. Besides, Mom and Dad had some quality time together walking through Venice. :)

We found out about my new job onboard, and the girls and their Dad helped me celebrate the great news!

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