Sunday, October 9, 2011

ANNIE'S CAPS - Cynthia's Role Models (but who's following whom?)

Cynthia’ and Her "Role Models”

Cate: Cynthia, dear, your mother and I are so proud at what a lovely young woman you’ve become.

Candi: That’s right, Mom. We’re delighted that you’ve turned out to be such a gorgeous little thing!

Cyndi: Alright, enough you two. Now be honest – how come you both followed ME into dresses and heels and frillies things – and into chasing guys?

Candi: Honestly, honey, watching you transform yourself from a bland teenage boy to a hot n’ sexy Lolita was well, a big turn on – for both of us!

Cate: I caught your Dad with makeup on his face – and he smelt perfume on me – so the jig was up. A few days later, my daughter and I spent a lot of at the mall to bring Cathryn & Candace to life. We “old biddies” had such fun dishing on fashion, cute men, and about a mad plan to join you as full time gurls. And here we all are, waiting for our dates!

Cyndi: Mom-Mom and Mom, you are both like chips of my cute little block (giggle). Now don’t expect me to chaperone the two of you – I got my own plans for my guy! Let’s all plan on getting together for lunch so we can debrief – then go shopping!

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