Sunday, September 4, 2011

ANNIE'S CAPS - Instant Trophy Family


Joe Wyatt and Gene Morro were both 32 and had been best friends since preschool, and Joe had married Gene’s sister Tina, who gave birth to sons Daniel (14 now) and Adam (6); sadly, Tina died of ovarian cancer, and Gene moved in with his pal/brother-in-law nephews.

But a lifelong bachelor, Gene found himself with an opportunity to take an executive position with a major multinational corporation. The catch? The Board expected any VP to be a “family man.” Gene didn’t want to leave his “guys” behind to move to New York, and if they followed him, it might raise some eyebrows about two single men sharing a house with two boys.

So as he flew back to the Midwest, Gene was expecting to turn down the position so as not to leave Joe and the kids. But as he pulled up, he couldn’t believe what he saw. His “guys” all sporting long soft hair, a little makeup and matching mother/daughter black tops with Capri slacks.

“Hi sweetheart. These are your daughters – pretty little Ava, and our darling Dakota. And I am Mrs. Gene Morro , but you can call me Justina – the name is kind of a tribute to your sister. We decided, as a family, to be support you in your career, but we couldn’t bear to leave you. My mom and sisters convinced us that we’d all be happier this way, and they were right. My new girls are so lovely and we’re bonding as mother and daughters. And they are as excited to see their new Daddy as I am to welcome my handsome husband home.”


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