Thursday, September 1, 2011

ANNIE'S CAPS - The Fairest Maidens


“I’m a princess!” squealed 5year old Tommy White as the young boy danced for his pop-pop Lou and daddy John.

Tommy’s elders had been annual visitors to the Renaissance Faire, but after Lora had come out as a MTF transwoman, she was too shy to attend. But having her loved ones attend – and in similar “gypsy queen” garb – helped coax her out of her shell.

“Dr. Jones said that Tracie also is a girl at heart – and I figured – moms and daughters kind of go together, and I could use a new perspective on life,” Julie admitted.

Lora grasped her daughter’s hand and smiled, “You both are so dear to me – and I love being a grandma and mom – just like you will – but are you ready to join me in dating men?”

“Mom Mom – Mommy definitely needs a Prince Charming!”

Julie turned 3 shades of red and they all laughed and hugged to celebrate their new fairy tale life!

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