Thursday, August 4, 2011

Madame Jae's - The Murphys commit to their "sisterhood"



The Murphys:

Where’s Amber? pt 3

Amber: Oh I love a day at the mall with my family – Murphy babes in da house!

Lisa: I’m so glad you’re having a great time, baby. And not a bad way for Mom and I to atone for our big mistakes!

Ginger: We’re just so lucky – and fortunate to have the Genoveses and everyone at Madame Jae’s looking out for all three of us! And I must say that I am so impressed with young Jason! Watching out for our princess, while never once taking advantage of you!

Amber: Well, Nana, we did spend some time alone – he’s… he’s a great kisser… mmm… very nice kisser.

Lisa: Amber – what your grandmother and I did… we were irresponsible in losing track of time and of you.

Ginger: But I’m not apologizing for… finding myself, the woman inside me… that night. And your mom feels the same way. We love… men! And I think you really enjoyed being Jason’s date. If… if we wanted to go further with our… desires, you can call them… we will never do so in any way that gets in the way of being your parent and grandparent, and your role models. Does what we’re saying make any sense, Amber?

Amber: It does Nana – it really does! You and Mom looked like two women in love! I want to see more of this, I want to feel more. Look… I promise I protect myself and be a “good girl” – but I want to grow up to be a beautiful woman, in love with her sexy studly husband!(giggle) I have discovered who I am as Amber – and I think you both have too. And I want my Nana Ginger and Mommy Lisa and me to always be the Murphy “sisters” – red hair, big smiles, cute little curves, and always dressed to impress all the boys – and men! (sniff) I love being a girl!

Lisa: You’re right – it’s time we all grew up and be the women we know we are!

Ginger: Me three! Together forever – group hug!!

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