Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Madame Jae's - The Murphys story arc continues...



Murphy’s Law

of Responsibility

Amber was enjoying her first few hours as a boy’s date. Jason was very attentive to her – holding open doors, getting punch, and he was much better at ballroom dancing then most boys. She felt safe in his arms – she enjoyed being held, as her mom and “Nana” had promised. Being a pretty teen girl was fun?

However., Ginger and Lisa had seemed to disappear – because they had, and a silly misunderstanding led to this. They had promised each other to keep an eye on their girl – rotating time off the dance floor to sit with her and discuss her new girlish feelings, but both Murphy “women” were very caught up in their enjoyment of beaus. With the Jae Juice and the romantic setting distracting them from their responsibility to Amber.

Ginger making up for decades of desire to be treated like a sexy woman by a hunk and she lost track of time – and the glasses of champagne impaired her judgment.

Her daughter Lisa was mesmerized by her man’s bedroom eyes and soft kisses.

Thinking each was taking Amber home, they each went home with their new lovers.

This left our vulnerable hero (ine) alone with her date, 17 year old Jason DeGallo...

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