Sunday, April 29, 2012

Tumblr enticing gimmick :p

Hey gang, eager to see two new caps not available on this blog yet?  Well visit my Tumblr page and check em' out!

Lessons Learned At A Young Age (Piper emulates Jacqui)

Lessons Learned At A Young Age

James Rhodes’s son, Peter, knew at a young age that his father was really a woman at heart, and he readily accepted that she would forever be the most lovely and loving Mom any child could ever have.   

Especially a child like Peter…

"Jacqui, when Piper grows into that bikini, she'll blossom just like her sexy mother," noted Jacqueline's fiancee Edgar, as the two gals sunned themselves in the backyard.

Jacqui loved hearing compliments from her guy, and she was proud to help her daughter deal with her own gender identity, but she wondered to herself how closely Piper paid attention to them.

Even at her age, Piper knew that a sexy girl could get away with a lot with just a smile...

Yum-Yum's (Dining with Angela, Priscilla, and Hanna)


Downtown’s award winning bistro, owned and operated by three generations of restaurateurs – Angela Robins (62), daughter Priscilla (41), and granddaughter Hanna (21)  

Yum-Yum’sbeautiful space on Raven Street was once home to Maria’s, a beloved diner run by a gregarious Romanian immigrant, but it closed suddenly when the landlord, Albert Robinson would not renew.  Al’s son Patrick wanted to open a chain hot wing tavern, that his slacker son Heath would run the bar.  Miss Maria was devastated and contacted her Aunt, who chanted an old gypsy spell. 

 In a new reality, Maria’s family now owns the real estate company, and the new ladies were now in the dining business.  Pris is the head chef, Hanna is sous chef, and Ang is the hostess with the “mostess.”  Tonight, the girls are celebrating rave reviews and the signing of a new lease with Maria’s company.  Maria knows that, because the men in her family  are the Robins gals’ new husbands, that she has  given them their “just desserts!”

Friday, April 27, 2012


- ESTE ESPECIAL Y VARIADO POST ES PARA PREPARARNOS PARA EL CRUDO INVIERNO QUE SE VIENE POR ARGENTINA...QUE POR LO QUE SE PRESUME SERA MUY FRIO .,PERO ABDCHICAS SABE COMO EQUILIBRAR TEMPERATURAS...SI SEÑOR.!!!!! SALUTACIONES DEL BIG CONDE PD: como acostumbramos ultimamente hacemos un post variaditos referente a la  tematica para dejar conforme a la variedad de visitantes.!!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Prom Mom (Andrea and Emily "grow up" together)

             PROM MOM            
"MOM ! He’s here!”

“Emily, you look incredible,” gushed her junior high prom date, who had been waiting down stairs with Jim.  I was so proud.
“Honey, our princess is growing up so fast,” I softly wept as Jimmy embraced me after she and Sam left in their limo with their friends.
“I know.  At least I still have you, my other Princess, Andrea,” he replied.   

That did it – I grabbed my man and pulled him to the floor.  If Emily had come back in the house that moment, she would have caught me and her   stepdad doing it on the rug!

As I snuggled with my big bear of a husband, I thought back to when Allen and his son Eric decided to be who we truly were inside – beautiful girls.  My best friend Jimmy was always there for us – and now, more than ever. 

 I always tell Emily, “Go find your Prince Charming.”  Maybe it’s Sam!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

New on AFT: Family Fiction Database - and the "other blog"

Hi everyone.  Two updates.

First I have added a new page to this blog - the Family Fiction Database is a collection of links to various TG stories around the web (FM, Nifty, Big Closet, and the still alive but comatose Story Site) with multiple family members gettin' girlified! :)  Please enjoy what I enjoy...

Now that I have on my blog, I have decided to close the Family Tradition Archive blog as it's redundant and dormant and barely viewed.  Hopefully no one over there was not a subscriber or visitor here. 

The Buddy System (Carrie and Molly adapt and thrive)

The Buddy System

After coming to the realization that the witches’ curse was irrevocable, Charles Garrett, 44, and his son Michael, 22, were left with no choice but to live their lives as women.  And much to their surprise, they found that they enjoyed spending time as mother and daughter, bonding over their gender condition.  They shared the same dress size, shoe size, and bra size not to mention their now long wavy auburn hair.
Now calling themselves Carrie and Molly, the twosome were now feeing some very womanly feelings and found themselves attracted to men.  But they were nervous about being with a man, so they made a special arrangement with their neighbor, Buddy Mancini, who worked at Chippendales.  They shared with him their amazing story.  After he agreed, they went to a hidden beach on the lake and everyone stripped.  

“Buddy,” Molly cooed,  “I’m going to start by sucking your lovely cock, and Mom’s going to make out with you.  When I get you hard enough, I want you to lay her on the beach and make love to her until she screams.”

 “Then we’ll switch, Buddy,” Carrie grinned,” and I’ll give you head until you’re ready to fuck my little girl.  How does that sound, Buddy?” 

The redheads winked at each other – for their “Buddy System” would help them accept their new desires as they women they have become.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Postcard from Paradise (Life's a Beach with Betty and Erin)


Greetings from Paradise. I know you were wondering what happened to Brian and Eric Chase, who were attempting to become the first father-son duo to chart a sailboat around the world in less than eight months People we’re betting against us, but I was an experienced sailor and my boy was by my side. Well, about four months in, we made it to this island, we thought was deserted.

The main sail had a tear, and we were exploring the island looking for anything we could use to sew it up. Eric came across what he thought was some kind of silk we could sew with; but it turns out, it was some sort of larvae that spun this out-of-control cocoon and it attacked us. It took a few days us to awaken from our “pupa” and to our shock, we had both undergone full sex changes.

We were smaller and weaker and desperate for answers. We sailed for the nearest port; however a bad storm hit us bad and we sent out an SOS. Luckily, two wealthy yachtsmen were nearby and saved us.

We gave them a cover story; we were Betty and Erin, mother and daughter tourists who were hopelessly lost. We were three days from land and during that time our new hormones kicked into overdrive. Perhaps we were also giving off pheromones as Perry and his son Geoff couldn’t control their desires either.

Two months later, we finally made it “home” – to our guys’ private island in the Antilles. They took this picture of us sunning ourselves; five minutes later, they fucked us side-by-side, with not a care in the world.

And Erin and I are not sorry at all that we couldn’t finish our journey. But what a journey it’s been, and now my daughter and I have set course for a much greater destination – love and happiness!

XXOO, Betty

Saturday, April 14, 2012

For Kyra (and Evie - and myself ;) - B'day BJ!

Birthday Blowjob


Kyra, 18

Evie, 19

Annabelle, 39

And introducing “Chucky”

Evan and his sons Adam and Keith decided after Evan got a huge severance package from his long time employer, they move to warmer climes, and explore the female souls they all had. With a little surgery and a lot of hormones, they moved to Florida as Annabelle, a sexy blonde widow with two college age daughters!

The new sisters, Evie and Kyra, loved their new life and they now felt their relationship with “Mom” so much better, they gave her the #1 Mom t-shirt. Annie wore it proudly!

A year older, Evie had already jumped into the dating scene, and on the night that Annie was going to take her girls out to celebrate Kyra’s 18th birthday, they had a bit of a spat.

It seems that Kyra and Annie walked in on Evie, as the tart sucked the cock of her boyfriend Chuckie.

“Mom! Make her stop!,” whined Kyra, who in a jealous fit, pushed her older sister away and began orally pleasing the lad’s 7 inch monster.

“Hey, what the fuck, sis!” snapped Evie.

“Girls, stop whining both of you,” Annie admonished her little sluts.

Then the MILF took matters in her own hands – and mouth! The father turned cougar tapped on her youngest’s shoulder, and then went down on the young stud!

“Ewww! Dad – I mean Mom,” shrieked Kyra. “I can’t believe I’m watching my parent sucking a man’s penis. How could you?”

“Kyra, chill, baby sis,” Evie responded. “I mean, Mom wanted to be experience life as a woman just like us. I mean, we are all girls now, and I think we all love the taste of a man’s dick in our throat. Wow – look at her go sis! Mom really is deep throating him!”

“Holy shit, Evie,” Kyra gasped. “Mom has almost his entire length in her mouth. What an incredible blow job!”

Annie wanted to respond to her daughters, but there was no way she could remove her lips from this massive amount of meat. As the MILF devoured her daughter’s boyfriend, she felt a heat in her new vagina. Annie’s new hormones were at work, making her new nest slick, and she needed a release of some sorts.

And as Evie and Kyra watched their mother’s lips move up and down Chuckie, they felt their own juices kick in...

Of course, Chuckie himself was enjoying the attention.

“God, Evie, your mom’s as much of a hot bitch as you are. So is your little sister.”

“Mommy, make him cum,” cooed Evie. “I want to see him explode in your mouth.”

“Me too. Suck that big fat dick, oh Mommmmy,” Kyra cried out.

Annie knew how close she was to orgasm, and her lovely daughters were also ready to burst. And then she felt Chuckie tense, and release. As his hot dish hit her throat, all three new women were overwhelmed by their feminine joys.

15 minutes later, Chuckie was on the cell texting his school lacrosse teammates. He promised them an all-nighter with his girlfriend, her slutty sister, and a “special guest hottie.” After hitting send, Chuckie peered down at this family of haughty, horny bitches.

Girls, pay close attention,” Annie instructed. “Here’s how you make your man do ANYTHING you want him to do.” She grabbed his revived dick and took charge!