Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Under Hawk's Care (Bree & Robyn are ridin' bitches)

Under Hawk’s Care
Bruce Fogel knew that his son Randy had just made both their lives a living hell. Bad enough the kid drove away after knocking over the motorcycle – it was the favorite Harley of John “Hawk” Hall, the VP of the Mighty Demons bike gang. Bruce had been assistant DA when the state tried to prosecute the MDs on trafficking. Then Bruce was fired after being caught at the local bookstore dressed in drag.

Hawk brought some of his boys to the Fogel house and laid it out for Bruce and Randy.

“Running is for sissies,” Hawk spat at the frightening boy.

“Guess it comes natural – from
yer momma here,” he gestured at Bruce.

“Now we can do this the easy way, or not – ladies.”

A year later, Bree and Robyn looked at their modified bodies in the mirror. Hawk loved his ladies inked up, and they both came to enjoy the prick of the needle. But the younger shemale was nervy about being with Bruno, Hawk’s protégé and future leader

of the MD club.

“I know you’re scared, babe,” her now mother whispered, “I was too the first time. But your Daddy really takes care of my needs now, and all of the boys in the club look after us. I never expected to say this, but I love being a 1%’er’s wife and you will too.”

Robyn rested her head on Bree’s shoulders; how far this T-girl mother/daughter had come from that fateful night!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Family that Caps Together... (my adoration to you all..)

Hi gang. I'm adding this special post tonight with an eye towards the past and and an eye to the future.
On my mind now is that I feel that Blogger is going to make much harder to run these kinds of blogs - already my gal Evie is out of business :(
Also today, Rachel's Haven was down and I have been bitten by the bug...
I am going to bed now but I wanted to post this in honor of those who have ever visited here and enjoyed themselves - whether it be heart-touching or touching other organs. (hehe)
But in this cap, I just wanted to thank certain folks for their deeper level of support.
I would do this always for my own interests, but it is always better to share with others who enjoy it and want to see more, give feedback and share inspirations.
That's family in a nutshell :)
Good night loves!

THE HONEY COMBS: Epilogue (Ari wraps up some loose ends)

The Honey Combs

Father, Son, and Grandfather are starring on a very special reality show.

Will they ever be the same?
So That We're Being Fair...
So That We're Being Fair...

Hi It’s me, Ari. Look, Mom hogged that whole last closing segment, and GG had the critical scene where she called the studio, so I needed to come back one more time to fill in some plot holes.

First – GG referenced her beloved Doris by her maiden name, Reynolds. The way I see it – my grandparents were lesbians, and GG Jeanie reverted back to being a straight woman later in life. Hey it’s the 21st century, people, it can happen!

Speaking of history, GG referenced three generations of ladies who taught her to bake. This is obviously revisionist history if you read our story. She said her father and older male relatives were all salty old men who raised chickens. Obviously they should have put on dresses, bloomers, and pinafores and gone out and learned how to bake, and how to tease and please the well endowed gentlemen who courted them . Hey, it was mom’s idea – God she has such an imagination!

Finally, you may ask, whatever happened to the old chicken farm? Who cares! We’re here in LA, living as beautiful women, starting a new career as bakers, and as entertainment professionals. We uncovered that we are happier as women, as mothers and daughters, and that men are yummy. (Giggle)

Almost as yummy as our cookies and cakes. Hmmm – wonder if we can make a cake with a man inside? Whipped cream baby!

And here our story ends - for now... but click on a picture to go to the start of this tale! Or click HERE!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

THE HONEY COMBS: Scenes 10-12 (Fighting back to take control of their lives...))

The Honey Combs

Father, Son, and Grandfather are starring on a very special reality show.

Will they ever be the same?

Were you shocked at how out of control these new ladies got? The executive producer of the reality show was having his way with the ex-chicken foods salesman Evie, while Marshall's uncle Paul was just as successful with Evie's dad-turned-mom Jeanie. Finally, Evi's grandchild, Ari, was seduced by the slick Garrett who had asked her out.

Then the story got dark. Flush from sex and feeling vulnerable, the Combs gals were feeling discarded and cheap. They felt like they had been used. In this arc, we'll confirm their fears, and watch as this family fights back - Combs style...

Scene 10: And The TRUTH Comes Out...

It was amazing what lengths Marshall and Prism had gone to in manipulating our family. The “spring water” was actually laced with an herbal extract that acted as an estrogen accelerator. It had the same effect on us that actually being given real estrogen would have. The curves, the breast growth, the feminine desires, the weepiness and emotional roller coaster – all there.

The electronics we found led to a locked room in the basement of the mansion. This “control center” showed all of us in our bedrooms, kitchen, and every room. Every innocent and decadent action with the Combs “girls” would be caught on HD video and Dolby audio. Every cry – every laugh – every moan. Watching each of us being intimate with our guys was disturbing in way.

But what was most disturbing was that the speakers in our beds were used to play suggestive advice during our slumber.

Examples: “Are you pretty enough” – “Flirt with him” – “Buy that dress” – “use BOB” - “Suck his cock” – “stick it in” – “Please your man” ; we were manipulated like puppets.

I was on hold, waiting to talk to the president of the network. Elly was cradling Ari, and vice versa. I wanted so badly to comfort them both, but I was the mother lion and I was defending my cubs.

“I – I don’t want to believe that, all of those wonderful feelings – weren’t real,” cried Ari. “I refuse to believe that we shouldn’t feel like women. There’s got to be more than this empty feeling, Mom.”

“I agree, honey,” Elly said as she softly kissed Ari’s forehead. “Because, there was one definite feminine feeling that those bastards did not give us – that’s the feeling of being mothers and daughters. All of those things we did together as girls – baking, shopping, dressing, girl-talk. Where did that come from? It came from us. We embraced it. We also embraced our romantic and sensual side… which is what Marshall corrupted. But he’ll never take away the good parts of being female.”

“I agree Evi – hello, yes this is Jeanette. Yes, Ms. Barker? Yes.”

I listened intently. “Ms. Barker, our family’s rights have been violated here. We were subject to the deviant whims of Mr. Crowe and his partners. We have enough information here that, should it come out in a courtroom or in the papers, would destroy your network’s reputation – yes, thank you. “

Another pause. “Ms. Barker – OK, Barbara, sure… well, yes, that would definitely be something to talk about. Oh so you are one too? Two little girls – under six, oh I bet they are precious. Yes. Please – go on.”

I smiled as my girls sat perplexed.

“OK, Barbara, we’ll see you tomorrow. Good night.” I hung up and said, “She’ll be out here tomorrow, she’s flying back from her home in Arizona. Production on the show is ceased immediately, and she’s calling TGT security to prevent those men from coming back here. She said we will have a lot of reparations coming to us. We need to talk amongst ourselves about what we want to do with our lives going forward.” And we talked all day and night…

Scenes 11-12: PAYBACK, our way...

“Ladies and gentlemen, TGT Network is proud to announce the debut of “The Honey Combs”, a reality show based on three gorgeous generations of women who are owning and operating their own boutique bakery here in Beverly Hills. Jeanie Combs is the matriarch of the family and is in charge of the bakery.”

“Yes, I’m carrying down the family recipes from my partner Doris Reynolds and my own mother, grandmother and great grandmother. We make our cookies, cakes, pies and treats the old fashioned way. And only my girls and I know how to make our treats so magically special.”

“Next to Jeanie is her granddaughter Arianna. Ari is a sophomore at UCLA studying business, and one day, she’ll be running the entire operations. In the meantime, she’s learning the ropes from the family.”

“Hi! I love working with my GG – I call her that because she’s no blue haired granny – and my gorgeous mom. One day, Grandma Honey Combs will the greatest baked goods brand in the whole world.”

“And to Ari’s right is her mom and Jeanie’s daughter, Elly. She’s the president of the company and is in charge of selling GHC through their retail store and their distribution channels nationwide.”

“Folks, as sweet and tasty as our cookies are, you’ll get quite the sweet tooth watching our show. I have an amazing family of women who enjoy working hard, playing hard, and enjoying the fruits of both.”

“I should point out that all three Combs women are beautiful, passionate, and very single. It should make for great TV”

We grinned and twirled for the cameras until the press conference ended. Believe it or not, we’re going through with this reality television stuff. But we’ve flipped the script so to speak.

Barbara Barker, the network head, wasn’t going to let TGT Network be scandalized by the deviancy of Marshall, Paul, and Garrett. She forced Marshall to sign over control of Prism Entertainment to TGT – who in turn, sold it to our family for one dollar! She also raised our compensation for the TV contracts to $2 million per family member. And now we’re in the TV business.

For now, the studio will run the shop, but I want to eventually learn the ropes and become a producer. The bakery will be in great hands once Ari assumes control, and her beloved GG will always be there as her mentor But I think I have what it takes to become the most powerful female producer in Hollywood. At least, the most powerful transwoman producer in Hollywood. Assuming no one realizes that Barb Barker was born Bill Barrie.

And what happened to our would-be boyfriends? Well, we decided to do like the other families in La-La land and hire some maids. Melinda cleans, Pamela does the laundry, and Gina does some cooking – but not the baking – that’s our job.

And yes, we are all single now – and all looking. We haven’t decided as to whether to have the full SRS surgery – but as I was told once upon a time – we are very special girls.

So guys, if you want to be with a Combs girl – you better treat her right. You can woo her, you can take her to bed, and yes - you can win her heart, but you need to be prepared to share her with her family. With her girls.

And her BOB…

All loose ties will be wrapped up in the final installment, coming Sunday. And Arianna has her last word on the family...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

THE HONEY COMBS: Scenes 7-9 (Jeanie, Ari & Elly taken to the next level)

The Honey Combs

Father, Son, and Grandfather are starring on a very special reality show.

Will they ever be the same?

Scenes 4-6 showed how deep into character our "heroines" have gotten.
Arianna has been asked out by an admirer.
Ellen is having strange dreams and is processing new feelings.
and Jeanette sees her womanly shape and her girls in a new light.
Their bodies are changing - and what of their minds...
their spirits... their desires...
And now...


I agreed that for our second date, Paul and I shouldn’t go out with my daughter and Marshall again. They were just a little too interested in each other to have any decent conversation with us. Besides, I had every reason to keep his uncle’s attention on me.

The morning before, I stayed in bed a little longer and had my first BOB induced orgasm. I shook with trepidation until my mind flashed back to the first time Jonny and Doris consummated their love. We were awkward kids but to this farm day, Doris was a goddess, and was happy to worship her. I then put myself in her “heels” and pushed BOB into the only place he could make me feel good. After an hour plus, I only shook in joy – Doris, my angel, was this why you worked hard to please me? What amazing feelings I was having!

Paul and I danced the light fantastic. As a child of 60s, we both loved Motown and the sounds of the Bossa Nova. I shook what I had, and pressed my rounded rear into his groin. Oh BOB, you are wonderful, but my real boyfriend has his own tricks.

But how could I hide the trick in my panties? If he “read” me, he could hurt me – and my girls. I was very nervous.

His kisses were addictive and his hands nearly made me explode. Then suddenly, his right hands possessed my genitalia. I looked at him in utter terror mixed with an intense arousal. I barely kept from exploding right there!

“Oh my little Jeanie, I know you are a special lady,” he said with a thick voice that matched his large hands and warm mouth. “Tell me am I doing this right,” he whispered, as he began to stroke my organ.

I could only answer with the moan of a woman in heat. He continued to master my world, and then he slid a finger into the space where BOB had done his magic – utter bliss! My lover was fingering me!

He carried me upstairs to my room (each of us had a private suite in the mansion the show provided us) and finally accepted his manhood in the only place where my man could fill me. Our moans and yelps may well have woken the whole house as we completed our intercourse.

Oh, my Paul, your little Jeanie loves it when her big strong man is inside her, OH! So damn wonderful!

I woke expecting to find my lover by my side when I woke, but I was alone and tattered in my bed. Where did my Romeo go?

And my God, what would Elly and Ari think of their beloved GG – their dear old Pops?

In the bathroom, I fixed my makeup, especially my lipstick. I had new desire, and I wanted to share it with Garrett. After finishing dinner and the club, he brought me back to the mansion. I checked to make sure the coast was clear, and I wantonly put my hand on his belt buckle.

“Baby, I’m thirsty. And I’m all out of spring water, so you’ll have to do.”

He willingly sat on the couch as I freed his thick cock. Soft kisses – followed by enticing licks – and finally, the deep throat. Ashton Combs would never dream that it tasted and felt wonderful, but Arianna Combs doesn’t have that problem, does she? No SHE doesn’t. Oh he’s SO yummy!

I was definitely digging the whole dirty girl vibe – blowing my boyfriend, in the foyer – what if Mom or GG found me this way – but they were having their own adventures. As Garrett came, his spunk dribbled out of my painted mouth. That wasn’t the only sticky wetness I noticed. My own panties were now swimming in Ash’s dick juice. I froze, as I wasn’t ready to own up to my own deception. I feared the repercussions. How could I explain…

“Garrett sweetie – I may look like a hot bitch, but I’m actually a farm boy from the Midwest. Oh and yea, my father and grandfather are also posing as women. It’s all for entertainment purposes. We may dress and act like sluts, but it’s all for fun – tee hee! By the way, while you were enjoying my oral ministrations, I just made a boyish mess in my satin underwear. I hope you won’t be sore. Can I get you some cookies, we just made them?”

Imagine my shock that he gently shoved me to the carpet, removed my panties in one swoop, and proceeded to licking the cum off my body? I nearly screamed as he “ate me out.” Then he did the unthinkable, three months earlier, he prepped my little asshole for invasion.

“Arianna, I know you’ve been using your vibrator, in preparation for losing your virginity. I think you are ready now, my little girl, “he whispered.

Our eyes met, and he picked me up and carted me upstairs. My boyfriend was going to take my (new) virginity!

“Yes”, “More”, “Harder” were the only English words I could use over the next hours as Garrett used me as his private sex toys. Trust me, I screamed more than that. And what I heard from Mom was right – a women’s orgasm is longer, deeper, and more satisfying than a man’s. Damm right it was!

Oh honey, give it to me all night long! I was out of my mind!

But there was one feminine feeling that left me cold. Literally, I shivered and sighed after I woke. My Garrett was gone; I texted him to call me wherever he went, but no answer. My God, where did he go?

I felt like such a pathetic slut; what would my family say about my very bad behavior…… I started to bawl like a scared little girl.


“Marshall, baby,” I said with a voice that dripped sex, ”You know the truth about me. About my family, hell, it’s your show. I can’t believe you think I’m so beautiful,”

“That’s a big reason why I think you’re the PERFECT woman, Elly baby. You got something no other woman has. Well, except for Jeanie and Ari. Of the three honey Combs, I have the queen Bee.”

I melted at the compliment my man gave me. “And I’m going to invade your hive all night long. Buzz buzz. ”

And he did! I left him take me from behind, forcing his cock into my love spot. God, why I did not know how incredible it was to have a man inside you? I simply must share what I’ve learned with my family.

My little girl is on the verge of being a true woman, and my darling mother is only 60ish, and for the next – gosh, 40-50 years – we can talk about sex, men, sex, clothes, sex, baking… OH MARSHALL! I’M COMING DARLING!

After Marshall finished in me, and as the whirlwind of the orgasms started to wane in my body and in my head, I swore that I heard the screams and cried of another woman – or was it women?

“Elly, I think Uncle Paul and Garrett have found their own perfect women. God, there’s nothing sexier than fucking a shemale in the ass. Damm I wish I could them pound those whores – but roll over baby, here comes daddy!”

I felt he was a little crude, but fuck, I was horny and out of my mind. I arched my back as he penetrated me again. My tits were now quite large and flopped with every thrust. I was addicted to being a well fucked shemale.

We slept for a few hours, and I felt him get out of bed. I wanted to make him breakfast and even give him a blowjob in the shower. But he brushed me off. Supposedly he had meetings and had to jet.

“Will – will you call me?” I asked timidly. “I can make you breakfast. Some homemade coo…”

He laughed and said “Well you know I’ll see you on set. Maybe we can have a quickie or two in the trailer. But I have to be in Century City in a hour. Later babe.”

And like that he left. Damm, I remember being the guy who had to get out of Dodge sooner than the lady I had hooked up with wanted to.

I started to sob – I thought he said I was special. The most special! God, I felt hormonal. I wanted to puke. I felt like a freak.

Then I heard a cracking noise; it sounded like it was coming from the bed. I pulled the pillows and mattress back. It was some kind of electronics. A microphone? Yes – and a little speaker.

Now I was paranoid. Livid, I threw my 4” inch heel which was left on the carpet, at the large vanity mirror. It cracked, and I discovered a camera behind it.

The smashing noise made Mom and Ari came over to my suite in their robes; they both looked like they had cried to make their mascara run. We hugged and sobbed together; what happened to us?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

THE HONEY COMBS: Scenes 4-6 (with Arianna, Ellen, and Jeanette)

The Honey Combs

Father, Son, and Grandfather are starring on a very special reality show.

Will they ever be the same?

When we last left the Combs family, they were getting used to wearing pretty clothes, referring to each other as she and her, and contemplating how to shop and bake and gossip like the genuine article. Now let's see how well Ash, Ethan, and Jon are doing - and how they'll feel about noticed...
Scene 4:Arianna's Awakening

Without a doubt, going through this with my family kept me sane – well as sane as a college boy who looks, talks, and dresses like a hot babe can be. To be sure, the production team, being TV people (little fun there) they wanted the flash and glitz and the “shock n’ awe.” The clothes they gave me especially were all these tight little numbers - showing off curves that I shouldn’t have. How the heck did I get breasts so big? And where did that bubble butt come from? I’m pretty! How did a guy like me end up such a pretty girl?

The production assistants also kept all thereof us constantly in makeup, working on our hair and face and skin. It was painful the first time I went through electrolysis, but they assured me that it would grow back when they were done. After a while, I think any body hair decided to go into hibernation.

A little trick they employed was this spray which muted any deep bass in your voice. It tasted foul, so afterwards they gave us this spring water that tasted like honey. Soon GG, Mom and I were drinking it nonstop. It was especially good before bed, as I was getting used to sleeping in a nightgown. Mister Happy was hyperactive from all of that silk but after a drink of the spring water I just relaxed and slept soundly every night. It was dream sleep too. Oh my God – I had some very unusual dreams

My fairy princess experience in front of the camera was balanced by our family activities off camera. In the home we were living in during the series, the smells of baked good permeated the air. I loved spending hours in the kitchen with “the honey Combs” as we called ourselves. GG remembered every trick in the kitchen that dear Doris taught her, and now like any good mother, she taught her babies how to make a meal.

“Like a good wife,” she said once, which made Mom and I giggle and snort.

Our other favorite activity was shopping, and Beverly Hills was our playground. The producers had given us a stipend for clothing and salons and we pretty much maxed it out. My GG, the former chicken farmer, was the most stylish “silver fox” out there, and my mother, the self professed “ladies man” was simply the sexiest lady on Rodeo Drive. So there we were, three generations of farm boys, in strappy heels, Capris, and cute tops, with gorgeous hair and chattering about everything over lattes.

Every time we went out – guys checked us out. There were plenty of buff young dudes who not only leered at me, they were digging the “MILFs” that accompanied me. At least the older guys were a little more discreet, but we all agreed - its half unnerving, half exciting! One day, a tall guy randomly put a business card in my hand as we ate lunch, before leaving to jump in his BMW.

“Read it, Ari,” Mom asked. You are exquisite. I’d love to have coffee with you alone, if your SISTERS don’t mind. We roared at that one. It had his phone number, email, and his card said he was a casting agent.

“I wonder if he knows that we’re contracted to Prism,” GG said. “So, what are you going to do, honey?”

I honestly couldn’t answer that question – yet…

Scene 5:Ellen's Epiphany

Ari really was conflicted about the offer she received. She said she’d sleep on it, and Mom and I stayed up to work on some snicker doodles. And a very unique discussion about our youngest.

“Elly, do you think she should say yes,” Mom asked me as she mixed the ingredients.

“God, I don’t know. He was pretty cute.” I said, realizing I just admitted a thoroughly completely foreign to me before this adventure. Mom said nothing as she continued to mix.

“I’ve noticed something – at night, I wake up...”

She cocked her eye, “Morning wood in your panties, dear?” she said.

My jaw dropped as she put the bowl down. My God, her beauty and curves seemed so authentic. She sure didn’t look like a 60 year old man or woman!

“It’s not just you, Elly. Remember how I said that the hormones in the chickens might be affecting all of us. Even with you on the road, you spent your early years in the pens, and so did Ash. God knows, I think it’s given me a lot of mixed signals. We’re kind of a mish mash of male and female feelings.”

I poured us both some spring water as we munched on a cookie. Mom blushed as she admitted, “I find myself – wanting to look into a mirror more often than not. I look at myself, fiddle with my hair, and think to myself, am I pretty enough? I’m not a vain person, Ellen, but…”

“Mother – I’m right there with you. I find myself looking at everything differently. Hair – makeup – boobs,” I giggled.

“According to Marshall, the clothes are meant for women and they are slowly confirming our loose skin. You and Ari are both starting to see that now.”

“Yes, and I think the chicken hormones are adding to that. My darling – be honest – if a man asked you on a date – would you say yes? Would you be interested in a handsome man?’

“I – maybe. What about you – Dad?”

She frowned at being called Dad. “I think – the man would have to be particularly – attractive. And daughter dear, please continue to call me Mother or Mom.”

She walked back to the oven, her hips swaying. Was that from the heels she wore, or perhaps the chemical imbalance?

I looked at the mirror in the hallway. Wow, I was a beautiful looking woman. The right man. I closed my eyes and thought of myself in a pretty dress on the arm of a handsome man. His face – Marshall? He did have big blue eyes and a rugged smile. I – wonder if he would find me attractive…

Scene 5:Jeanette's Confession

Arianna finished her glass of spring water, then picked up her purse and gave me a hug and kiss.

“Be careful, sweetie. Remember, you’re still new at this,” I advised.

“I know GG. I’m a good girl. And I expect you to be one when you and Mom go out on your double date. Maybe next time it can be a triple date. Love you!” she chirped as she ran out to greet Garrett.

I sighed as I finished my water. I thought of how Ari had obsessed over whether to accept the young man’s offer of coffee. Finally she texted him back yes, and then spent four hours getting ready.

Yes, you certainly are emulating a woman in that way, my dear granddaughter. How many times did she look in the mirror, amazed by her own beauty?

“Do I look hot enough – Mom, GG?” she kept asking.

Speaking of Elly, we noticed that she and our vaunted producer seemed to be flirting on set. Like mother like daughter I guess. Then out of the blue, I hear that she was going to accompany him to a Hollywood cocktail party. Hey, another excuse to shop, this time for a pretty little cocktail dress and matching shoes?

All three of us happily jumped in the SUV and headed to our now favorite chic boutiques. “Oh that’s effin hot, Mom,” Ari cooed as Elly showed off her choice.

“Shows off your figure, honey,” I said as we all looked at her choice in the mirror.

For a moment, we all seemed to have this dreamy faraway look in our eyes.

“Imagine this, ladies,” my daughter whispered, “the three of us, all in matching dresses, with heels, jewelry, and our hair done fabulously. Who could resist us?” she taunted.

“Fuck, I’m hard as a rock just thinking about that, Mom,” Ari admitted with a throaty purr.

I gulped; I knew we were all that highly aroused.

“Now ladies,” I cautioned, “let’s remain ladies here. When we get back home, you can release your energy appropriately.”

It was now very apparent that we were affected by the hormones and the situation of our apparent femininity.

“Have you both seen the next episode script?” Elly whispered. “According to Marshall, we have to each visit a local sex shop and – purchase a sex toy – specifically, a BOB.”

“A battery operated boyfriend? Oh my God, that’s just going too far,” a clearly flustered Ari whined.

“Are we shooting this before or after our double date?” I asked, “Let’s get back to you selecting a dress, then we can focus on one for me. Tell me, is Marshall’s uncle anything like him, Elly?” I said.

We finished, had a light dinner, then went to bed early, and I had the wildest dream yet…